RenaKare (Potassium Gluconate) Powder for Dogs & Cats, 4 oz


Each 1/4 teaspoon contains 468 mg Potassium gluconate


RenaKare (Potassium Gluconate) Powder is prescribed to help correct low potassium levels in both cats and dogs. Potassium deficiencies are common in dogs, and they’re particularly common in cats. Your pet may lose too much potassium through his urine and through his gastrointestinal tract. Pets who don’t get enough potassium through their food may also need a potassium supplement to help regulate those levels. This powder is easy to administer, and your vet may have you mix it into your pet’s food to help prevent any stomach upset.

RenaKare is a potassium supplement for use in potassium deficient states in cats and dogs.

Possible Side Effects
May cause hyperkalemia. Do not exceed the recommended dose. Frequent patient monitoring is advised. Adverse effects include gastrointestinal irritation, muscular weakness, twitching, irritability, and cardiac conduction disturbances.

Drug & Food Interactions
Potassium salts are contraindicated in animals with hyperkalemia, severe renal impairment or failure, sever hemolytic reactions, Addison’s disease, decreased gastrointestinal motility, and acute dehydration.

Use with caution in the presence of cardiac disease, particularly in digitized patients or in the presence of renal disease. Federal law restricts this drug to use by or on the order of a licensed veterinarian.


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